Thursday, 12 July 2012

What Andy Griffith Can Teach You About Dog Training

Some people get worried and excited when their dog is off-leash and he's done something that requires you to correct him. Because the owner is both worried and excited, they move fast toward the dog, concerned that the dog might run off before they can correct him. However, if you've done your long-line work properly and you've laid a solid foundation for your off leash training, there really isn't any reason for you to worry that your dog will run off. So, what does this have to do with Andy Griffith, you're probably wondering? Well, if you watch Andy Griffith on television, you'll notice that the old guy always moves slowly and deliberately. He never rushes and he never looks worried. When you go to correct your dog, this is the same kind of attitude you should have. Be like Andy. Andy never gets angry. He never gets emotional. He just calmly and slowly goes about doing what he has to do, in order to reach his goals. Watch Matlock, or the Andy Griffith Show and you'll see what I mean. If you model Andy Griffith's mannerisms when you work with your dog, I can guarantee that your handling skill will increase at a very quick pace.

Dog Freaked Out Over Pinch Collar

Dear Adam:

I tried the pinch collar on my Westie a few days ago and he freaked out. He hated it, would not move and let out a little cry like he was in pain. Now I am afraid to try it again. Could he be too sensitive for this collar? It was not too tight. After his initial reaction, he then began to skulk around next to me. At the time, I was with 2 trainers who teach in a dog training club I joined. They recommended the collar to me. They said he would get used to it. Any advice? Is there a way to ease him into it?


Dear Buster:

Yes... if you've got it sized correctly, what's happening here is that your dog is manipulating you. He throws a tantrum and YOU RESPONDED TO IT AND STOPPED.

He's training you.

Next time, glue the leash to your belt buckle and just keep walking. Don't jerk it. Don't say anything. Don't coax or baby him. As soon as he learns that you aren't going to stop (may be a bit now that you've already showed him you'll stop) he'll realize that the tantrum doesn't get rewarded and he'll start walking. As soon as he does, PRAISE HIM... BUT CONTINUE WALKING WHILE YOU DO!

That's all for now, folks!


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