Tuesday, 10 July 2012

Act Like Somebody - a Devotional from Mayberry

On "The Andy Griffith Show," when Sheriff Andy Taylor sent his young son Opie off to school, on at least one occasion his parting words (as in Ep. 34: "Barney's Replacement") were, "Do a good day's work and act like Somebody!" This may sound odd or even pretentious to the modern ear, but in the South in the 1960's, such an admonition simply meant: You are special. Act like it!

So many times we get such tunnel vision about the problems in our lives that we lose sight of the fact that each of us is special - we are all Somebody.

Life is difficult and we face daily tests and situations which we either fail or feel like we have failed in some way. Not only that, but the media, our schools and intellectual peers would have us believe we are all simply (barely) evolved animals. It is easy for some self-loathing to creep into our mindset. With each passing year we become more aware of our many faults and failures. It is easy to feel like a "nobody." How can we act like Somebody if we feel like a nobody?

It is often hard to forgive others, especially when they have hurt us, but it is even more difficult to forgive ourselves. The Bible says that we have "all sinned and fallen short of the glory of God," but the same Word of God says that He is ready to forgive us if we repent of our sins. If God is so willing to forgive us, shouldn't we be willing to forgive ourselves?

When I am tempted to feel like a "nobody" I try to remind myself that in Christ, not only am I forgiven, but I am also a child of God. As a child of God, it is my duty and privilege to reflect Christ by acting Christ-like and to be God's ambassador to the world. So, not only am I a child of the King of Kings, but I am His ambassador. Now, that's being Somebody!

God is willing to give His children a fresh start after every sin, after every mistake. Remember that God created everyone in His own image and made each person uniquely different. Each of us is special, unique and beloved in God's sight. No matter what you may have done, or what you are dealing with today, God loves you. In His eyes, you are His child - Somebody - full of potential and grace.

Just like like Seriff Taylor did for Opie in Mayberry, God stands ready every day to give you a hug, a pat on the back, and to tell you to, "Do a good day's work and act like Somebody!"


The Mayberry Poem - a Tribute to Mayberry

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